MEDIA()MESSe brought together an international group of artists-researchers on new media / art+hacking+diy; 10 artist-hackers invited from European art and technology laboratories and collectives worked together on a new creation that builds on disconnects of our mediated realities through intermedia arts, DIY (do it yourself), DIWO (do it with others) and media activism and audio-visual performance.
Together, they interpreted the media and networks on the current situation in the world and intervened as a research group on a device for several screens and several sound systems. As an actual rebound of the chaos geopolitical and media states of the world, THE MEDIA()MESSe built a context of transformation of objectivity, where our sense of disconnection relies on de-construction of our imagination and possible interpretation of realities.
Media()Mess is a project initiated by APO33 in collaboration with MADlab, University of Cyprus, STWST and PIKSEL.